Hello Coz (new nickname for you)
There really should be another ‘D’ but none of the words seem to express my intent. As you can easily see, I’m still in the investigative stage of blogging. Clicking madly on one page after another to see all the ‘things’ available. I’m not going to get too esoteric yet. Need to know what I can do before I start to do it.
I did discover that I have gadgets! Goodness… wonder what that will mean? Gadgets have always meant kitchen gadgets. When I was young, we always went to the state fair and my father would ferret out the latest kitchen gadget. We had a mandolin before mandolins were fashionable. My mother, a model of patience and understanding, always attempted to employ the latest ‘devise’ once we got home.
Regardless, exploration and discovery will be the order of the day.