Goal driven…..

Don’t know about you, Cosmic Reader, but I’m one of those who is goal driven. I think I always have been. For me, it provides focus. It ‘tells’ me that out of all the various paths before me, one leads more directly to where I’m going.
I should define my words – goals are not necessarily tangible ‘things’, they can be personal character building. Also, I don’t think goals should be striven for, they should be ‘worked’ on.
Goals need to be attainable as well. If they are merely ideals, they will wither in time. Personally I like the intermediate goals approach to the overriding goal. It seems that attainment is an impetus to continue.
I realize that the word ‘driven’ is ladened with the idea of sweat and tears. And yes, this does happen some of the time. However, this is not, repeat not, the primary modus operandi. Driven is defined (here) as the direction of movement. I’ve never been particularly good at standing still and driven means, for me, the idea that I’m moving forward – toward something.
Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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