Totally, irrevocably…. uninspired

For whatever reason… do you ever feel that way Cosmic Reader? That’s where I am today, restless. And yet…. I really want to write. So… what to do?

Subject? How ’bout…. absolutes! Do you believe in absolutes? I do. And I think that whether or not you want to admit it, everyone has absolutes. Me? I have a number of absolutes the critical, underscoring, irrevocable one is – I believe in God.

Not gods, not ‘a’ god, but God. The creator. And I would argue that it’s irrelevant whether you do or not – He is. He has always been and He will always be. God exists and is in everything that has life. Ah but, that’s another issue – what is life? That, dear Cosmic, is for another blog – life – this one is about absolutes.

Absolutely, irrevocably there is a God and He impacts all that is. He is the absolute. … that pretty much ends the discussion.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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