So tell me, Cosmic Reader, are you a worrier? I know the case could be made that everyone worries about something, at some time. True. But are you a chronic worrier?
My definition of ‘worry’ is a person, event, activity (not necessarily an event), “potentiality”, etc. over which you have absolutely no control. That’s the key – NO control. If you could affect the above then you could act and not worry. So the question that begs to be asked is: if we can do nothing about ‘it’ why worry? The answer is: because we do.
Typically what we worry over affects something else of greater value. I’m one of those ‘nothing happens in a vacuum’ types. Ergo, what may happen takes on greater significance, especially if what could transpire impacts negatively on someone else….. or ourselves.
I don’t have a proposal to change people’s minds about worry. Worry is not subject to rational thought – logic has absolutely nothing to do with it. I do have a suggestion though – if you find yourself worrying over something then take the time to assess the issue – is there something you can do? If the worse case scenario happens, what can you do then – are there options to consider? And most important – get to the heart of the worry. At least then you’ll know why you are worrying.