So which, dear Reader, is the most important? “Surely the second flows from the first but is the most important.”, do I hear you say? Nay, I reply…. a thousand times nay.
I would contend that the art, and it is an art, of asking questions is the most critical skill, ability, learning one can attain. Without the ability to ask questions one never attains to a possible answer or a variety of options.
I happen to one of those ‘types’ that never runs out of questions. My Mom said that the first words out of my mouth were in the form of a question. I can just believe that. However, it does tend to drive others to distraction. Doesn’t stop me, but I am aware of the effect of my questions.
Unfortunately, there are some people who perceive a question as an attack on what they said (or believe). Not. Many times questions are asked to seek clarity/understanding. Personally, I love questions. I find that they are the stepping stones to discovery.