
(this could end up being a theme revisited many times) So what, Cosmic Reader, is your attitude toward change? For it? Against? Jury’s still out?

Personally, I’m in favor of change. I’ve always enjoyed it. Seen it as a new challenge. No, not change for change sake – at least I don’t think so. However…… I have noticed a subtle change in my attitude toward change as I’ve grown older and had many experiences with life. Today I would say that I’m still in favor of change…. but with a slight caveat – that I have some degree of control on/over the change.

The degree of control would be my involvement with the change, not necessarily the change itself. But how does one witness, effect, be involved with change and not have it impact oneself? Ah ha! That’s the issue. You can’t.

We all tend to ‘bounce back’ from a ‘negative’ change easier in youth (one is indestructible then) then when one grows older. And I won’t get into a definition battle about the word ‘negative’. My point is that we are more positively (had to do that) inclined toward change at a younger age.

The reality is that change exists. It happens moment by moment. You can’t stop the tide of change. However, you can prepare. And knowing your own attitude toward change is the start of a proactive methodology to cope with, deal with, use change.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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