I’ve always liked this Frost poem and can easily picture a path coming to a fork with, at least, two choices of directions. Where I might differ from others is that my view is that you can ALWAYS change your direction if you find you’ve not made your best choice. My suggestion is to never compound a mistake – change the decision.
I do realize that popular opinion would suggest that once on a path you have to see it through and not vary. Who sezs? Why? Obviously if it involves others (and there are very few decisions we make about our own lives that doesn’t also effect others) then you have to take some interim actions. But… why continue on a path that is disastrous? And will a negative impact on you also negatively impact on others tangentially involved?
Don’t misunderstand, I’m not talking about the hardships one faces as one traverses life – these happen and you don’t get a free ride. Sometimes it’s these bumps in the road that make the ultimate destination so satisfying. What I’m talking about is a misdirection, a wrong decision for you.
I suspect the real question is – are you copping out? Are you trying to take the easy way? Or, was the initial decision not the best decision for you though you thought so at the time? That answer and your subsequent action, is the difference in how your character is being developed.