The Core of Belief

Putting down in black and white what it is you think, what you believe forces you to acknowledge precisely. Seeing what you believe is more powerful than just ‘thinking’ it, which is why I always recommend you write this down as a basis for review. Remember, what it is you are saying doesn’t have to stay in concrete unless it is a core belief you choose to maintain. Also, once it’s in black and white it’s now possible to refine the belief because life forces you to reaffirm or change.

For me, that is the first step, but the second is equally critical. Once you see what it is you think, believe, then you can begin to determine your ‘why’. I believe it is important to know why you believe/think as you do. Your ‘why’ gives depth, meaning and understanding to the what of your thoughts and beliefs. Do remember…. logic may not play a role at all.

In the process of facing what you believe and why, you need to define this behaviorally not just conceptually. Believe it or not, how you define the words, what they look like in action, will be your standard – consciously and subconsciously. Your behavior will tell others more powerfaully than your words who you are.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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