
Big word, responsible. It carries with it a definition with very ‘heavy’ implications. One can’t lightly use the word nor ignore it.

I’ve always believed that you are responsible for what you know. One really can’t un-know something one knows. You can try and ignore it or conveniently put it in the back of your closet (mind) but you really can’t un-know. Yes, you can expand, refine, modify, etc. but you can’t un-know. It can definitely become inconvenient to know but …. there it is. And… until there is a modification – you are responsible.

In the midst of this I have to confess that I’m also one of those types that believes that it is more important to know than to not know. Not knowing may give me an excuse, but it is never one I prefer. Knowing always, as in ALWAYS, gives you options. Because, dear reader, you can always fly in the face of what you know. May not be wise. It may not be justifiable – but you can always choose to go contrary to what you know. You are still responsible but you can choose to go opposite/different.

Just remember… you can never…. un-know.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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