Ignorance is NOT bliss…

Whoever is responsible for that quote needs to rethink. Blithely going through life willy nilly is so … irrational.

Ignorance is not a blissful state, it can be quite frustrating and always incomplete. To me, choosing ignorance is a cop out … and yes, there are those who would choose not knowing since it gives them license. And their response of, “I just want to do what I want to do and knowing might stop me” may sometimes result in a kind of serendipity discovery, but more often than not will result in pain and/or injury and typically has a ripple effect on others.

Whatever the choice you make, having as many of the facts to make a reasoned decision would seem to always be the preferred method. I grant you that it is probably impossible to have all the bases covered – to know all of the potential ramifications from a particular choice. But to wantonly choose not to know is, for me, unfathomable. Why set yourself up for failure?

Granted… one doesn’t always make the best choice, even with all the known ‘facts’, but success has a greater chance of becoming the outcome if it isn’t based in….. blissful ignorance.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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