Do you know what your mission is Cosmic Reader? We all have one you know, whether or not we’ve discovered it yet. A mission goes beyond work, it goes beyond family though either/both can be involved as part of your mission.
Does the mission change? Good question. My personal opinion is that the only way it can change is if the mission is accomplished and it’s time to move on to a new one. But change. No. A mission is a mission and until it is finished it can’t be changed. Refined? Yes. Further clarity can occur but the core doesn’t change. That’s the point about missions – they are like a foundation, firm.
What if it never really was your mission? Well that’s the answer then, yes? It never was your mission.
Missions are rarely ‘small’. They can have small beginnings but a mission involves your thinking, your time, your effort and is not a small thing. Missions require passion and definitely hope because there will be times when the mission seems outside of your ability.
Then again…. that’s the other aspect of missions. They can be accomplished. They are within your ability because you’ll never have a mission that’s beyond you. That’s the definition and nature of missions.