What kind of Hope is in you?

So??? What kind of hope is in you? Notice I didn’t ask the content – what you are hoping for – I’m talking about type. Does your hope look more like ‘wishes’ or more like faith?

Hope is one of those words that is bandied about, like love, but rarely defined. So, Cosmic Reader, how do you define the word? Does your hope look more like ‘wishes’ or more like faith? Is it ‘pie in the sky’ (you’re hoping to win a million dollars) or what is your hope based on ? (I would contend that hope is always based on something, even if it is a pie, whether or not it is acknowledged.)

There are lyrics to a song that talk about hope being small but hard to break and, for me, that is a definite characteristic. Hope will always be the last to abandon ship – it stays till the end. Actually my definition of hope is quite tenacious and decidedly scriptural. Hope will be there when it’s the most important. In the hard places it may be your only companion.

Probably the bottom line in this is – do you know how YOU define hope? It’s your definition that counts. Reality will tell you that this also requires you to stand on your hope. If hope is wishy washy or weak, it will never sustain you.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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