Dad always liked to say that it didn’t cost you any more to dream big than it did to dream small. I have no idea if he was quoting someone else or this was original with him. Regardless, this is true. Dreams have little to do with what’s ‘realistic’ and everything to do with one’s own personal hopes, goals, ambitions.
Dreams, in my opinion, should color what we do and why – ‘color’ not determine. Dreams are like the frame of your house – they provide a kind of structure. Actually I think the basic problem is that we are all so immediacy oriented that if the dreams don’t transpire within the first couple of hours we are ready to let them go. And if they take longer to materialize then forget it – onto something else. But… a really good dream takes time, takes commitment, takes standing, takes refining, and takes work.
Dreams should direct, not dictate. They don’t become goals unless you translate them into that. But, to me, the overriding action is perseverence. So, Cosmic Reader, are you willing to persever for your dream? And… are you working toward fulfilling your dream or just letting it sit there… waiting for it to fall into your lap? It won’t you know.