If you were to meet you, would you like you? Do you think you’d trust you? If you were in a place where you needed assistance, would you ask you for help? If you were going to celebrate something significant in your life, would you ask you to participate?
All the answers to those questions relate to your character. And yes, there are a great number of other questions but these ‘surface’ answers will lead to a development of relationship or only an acquaintance based relationship. (You do realize you can have an acquaintance based understanding of who you are, don’t you? It takes courage to face who you are – both the positive and negative, not just one.)
If you’ve never thought about yourself in terms of your character, you should. Your character will be evident, partially from your words but mostly from your behavior. But it states very clearly who you are.
Are you stuck with your character? Yes, unless you consciously decide to change it and are willing to honestly look at who you are, determine who you want to be, and work on making the changes become who you will be.