The Silent Generation

I just recently read that those born before the “Boomer” Generation were the “Silent” Generation. Have no idea who decided on that title, but I don’t think so. We could be called the Purpose-Driven or Purposed generation, but we are hardly silent. And exactly how many years constitutes a generation? It seems to change constantly.

People in my generation were born before/at/during WWII and were children of soldiers, sailors, pilots – those who defended our country against tyranny. We were also children of those who had survived the Depression – no little feat. Thus we had a kind of built-in survival mode, but it was more than that. At least my parents also valued a giving back, doing something for others. I realize that sounds so altruistic, but this was the mindset – and it also identified my friends.

During our work life, we worked – attempting to improve life and living for others. Just look at what has been accomplished – cancer research, cell phones and computers are only a couple of examples. Granted you can argue that this was accomplished by the boomers – but we were also involved, these weren’t created in a vacuum. You can also point to at least 2 non-wars that mobilized the children, many of them our siblings, thus creating ‘flower’ children, protestors, etc. But I’d like to believe there were high minded people on both sides.

Perhaps we haven’t blown our own horn which makes us silent. Then again…. silent doesn’t mean ineffective. We were purpose directed – we attempted to improve life.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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