I did it again…..

What do you do, Cosmic Reader, when you disappoint yourself? Promise yourself never to do/say ‘that’ again? Try to make amends, if possible? Correct your words/actions by overcompensating? Apologize? All of the above? More?

I know that I really get disgusted with myself and disappointed when I am the originator of the above behavior. The problem is when it is a reoccurring reality. A ‘bad habit’. However, continuing to ‘whip’ yourself over what you’ve said or done is rarely constructive. But if you truly want to change rather than only giving lip service, then you can.

Bottom line is that there is no easy answer. And for each person in this quandary, the ‘remedy‘ may be slightly different. First thing to remember is that this ‘habit’ won’t be easily broken – it will take time, concentration, and dedication. Two: I believe you need to replace the bad with something positive. A void is the devil’s playground. So, if you don’t put something in place you’ll find that not only does the habit strengthen, it typically finds complementary bad habits to join.

Disappointment in self can be overcome… if you want to become a better person and are willing to pay the price for the change.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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