(A few years ago I wrote an e-book and this segment was part of it. In revisiting the thinking I find that I really haven’t changed.)
When is a spade not a spade? This is not a trick question. A spade is always a spade. It isn’t a club or a diamond or a heart – it is a spade. Perhaps it appears a bit childish but I tend to see life issues in black and white terms, either/or, truth/false. Simplistic I grant you but it’s the standard I choose to live by. I live in a black and white reality and it’s not that I’m unaware that most people live in the gray – I just don’t choose to.
I would argue that part of the problem people face in relationships is that often you don’t really know where the other person stands. Flip-flopping is difficult to deal with. At one moment the other person may agree with you and five minutes later agree with a totally contrary position.
However – the ‘change’ really isn’t based on a reaoned approach to the issue. It is either based in people pleasing, ‘politics’, or both since they are not mutually exclusive. Regardless, I always end up wondering what is the other person’s true thinking.