Actually, I’m pretty sure I am. Not in the gourmand category yet but could be in the snob category (pre gourmand standard).
I suppose, to a degree, it was inevitable since my family (many times sans brother’s delight) enjoyed trying new foods. I do think Mom and Dad were in the gourmand category, at least in certain culinary areas. Dad was forever discovering ‘interesting’ tasty morsels to try. I was always game tho’ my brother typically was not. Then again older sister pointing out that he was no experimenter probably didn’t help. Later in life however, I think he did swing over to this thinking since it was he who introduced me to escargot.
What is a food snob? I suspect, like nearly everything else, this is specially defined. For me, it lies in preferences. Given the choice I really dislike ‘eating’ but I do like ‘dining’. Eating always connotes rushing to me and since I abhor rushing, eating is not a particularly favorite activity. Another designation lies with: which do you prefer – dining on something you’ve had numerous times and enjoyed or trying something new?
There are all sorts of ‘tests’ to determine one’s food inclination. But it’s the attitude of the heart that really is the determinant. Besides… is being a food snob really all that bad?