You do realize that you can go over 100% mark – it’s called the ‘above and beyond’ state. Problems (burnout) tend to occur when you try and do the 100+% with a number of things in your life. It never works…. at least it doesn’t for me.
Personally I define this state as ‘commitment’. It is a level of intensity, of involvement that is somewhat consuming of time and energy. This is why I don’t quickly commit to something because I rarely do anything by halves.
The 100+% state can be applied to almost anything in your life – from people to ideas to activities …. passion is typically the best source to know if you are a +. And a significant key ingredient to whether or not something is at the + state is how you spend your time. If there is no time spent there is no + state. Period. One can’t simply say that they are 100% committed, actions still do speak louder than words.
Do realize that a + state can change as your level of commitment changes – and yes, it can change but it can also become a lifestyle. For me, if I’m at 100+% then whatever the focus typically becomes about 10% if there is change. But, I also rarely get to 0% since I infrequently throw anything totally out.