Without hope is not the same as hopeless… at least in my world of definitions. Somehow, ‘hopeless’ still retains an element of the potential for hope but ‘without hope’ doesn’t. “Without hope’ is bleak, is barren… is the depth of sadness, is a void.
I was vividly reminded of the thought of being without hope today because it’s my father’s birthday and he has gone home to be with Mom and the Lord. I know how desolate I would feel if without hope was his state. Praise God, it isn’t because my father had accepted Jesus as his Lord. But what about those who reject the free offer of life? What do they feel? Despondent?
I realize that we all have the opportunity to accept or reject this offer and though I can’t imagine why anyone would reject the offer of eternal life – they do. This also places a responsibility on those of us who live in hope to pass it on, share it with others. It is imperative to be the Lord’s ambassadors, to share the good news so that others have the opportunity to accept the free gift of life.
In these perilous times, as we rush toward the end of the age… we either live in hope or live without hope. It really is incredibly simple to walk into hope…..