What do you do, Cosmic Reader, when confronted by someone who holds diametrically opposing views on a topic that’s near and dear to your heart? Confront them? Tell them they are idiots to think that way? Listen to them? Avoid them at all costs because there probably are other topics you won’t agree on?
Those are just some of the options available when met with an opposing view and I must admit that, on occasion, I have used each of them as well as others not mentioned. Then again, I tend to react based on the way the opposite view is expressed and how they are responding to me. Am I reacted to in any of the ways I’ve already mentioned? If so, I believe that the first two rarely produce any positive resolution.
The bottom line in all this is that we do judge another person based on how they agree and how they disagree with us. However I will contend, vehemently if necessary, that the HOW of the expression of disagreement is the critical consideration.
When I respond to another’s view with the intent to learn something about them and why they hold a contrary view, I come away totally different. And the reverse is also true. Then again I believe that in every situation you can learn something new – about yourself, about others. I also admit that I don’t always act on this philosophy, but I do try to.
I’m definitely not advocating you abandon your own particular beliefs, far from it. I am, however, suggesting that you be open enough to allow differing views to co-exist. Disagreements can be the basis for either enhancing, through understanding/appreciation of another view or the basis for destroying a relationship. The choice is really up to us.