There’s really too much noise. Stop for a minute and what do you hear? Noise. ?
So often our lives are filled with so much sound that we can’t hear. And I grant you that the sounds of the city can be soothing, but I’ll wager the sounds of quiet to your city sounds most of the time. Actually it isn’t total quiet… if you listen, in the quiet you can hear quite a lot.
The quiet sounds don’t shout… they are quite tranquil. Songbird solo’s and even the sound of the wind playing through the leaves – these are the peaceful sounds, the quiet sounds that restore. Far off you might hear the sounds of children playing, which typically means laughter – but it’s never harsh. If you are in the woods, you might hear the sounds of the quintessential ‘babbling brook’.
If you ever try listening to the quiet you really won’t be bored, surprised perhaps, but not disagreeably so. The restorative power can prepare you for all the noise that inhabits your life – especially if you enjoy the hustle and bustle and noise of the city.
Our souls need this kind of quiet sound. It gives us a respite from the car horns and even from the sounds of lawnmowers. Just to sit and listen to… the quiet.