What do you do when the worse case scenario becomes what happens? What do you do when that which you feared the most is what you have to face?
Obviously the first thing you need to do is to make certain that the worst is really the worst. If it is…. then I’m one of those ‘silver lining’ types. As bad as it is, I try and find a glimmer of hope, something positive that I can build upon. The absolute worst thing you can do in a worst situation is to compound it. And the ‘it’s got to get better’ mentality does not help because sometimes it won’t get better and you need to cut your losses and move on.
My approach is not a pollyanna-ish approach, though admittedly it may sound like it. I would never advocate turning a blind eye or ignoring what’s happened or staying in an untenable situation. But, I do advocate learning from the situation as you move on. One of my favorite quotes, paraphrased, is that if we fail to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Thus… what can you learn from what happens is my proactive approach.
Do I always do this? Pretty much. Granted it is preceded by some grumbling and a bit of ‘poor me’ but once I get that out of my system, I do move on. Moving on is really the only logical thing to do. Hard? Yes. But the alternative is certainly unattractive. And all you get from wallowing is dirty.