
Heady word. And, obviously, impossible to fully discuss in only a few paragraphs. Regardless… What does ‘truth’ mean to you? Is it relative – depending on the person or subject? Or, is it what it is. Personally I think there are 3 critical components to consider when you think about truth.

One is to speak truth in love as scripture commands. We can all handle truth a bit easier if we know it isn’t going to be used to knock us down. Some people use truth as a weapon, typically offensive and not defensive. How something is said IS as important as what is said. Equally obvious is that I will be able to consider it far easier if it comes from a ‘friend’ then someone who is not. I tend to be less defensive if the ‘correction’ is coming from someone I trust.

Another critical component is my own motivation for speaking. Why I want the truth spoken is paramount – is it to defend myself? To justify? To explain? If one of my purposes (and this is a plural word) is so that the other person understands, then perhaps I’m not the one to speak. The caveat in this is whether there is more than one person aware/involved and that person is a friend.

The last issue is… truth, according to who? While truth isn’t relative we must always remember that the spokesman is. We see truth according to our eyes, but we have to realize that while it may be truth, the other person may see things differently. It is a conundrum to know something is truth and that truth is truth but it may be different to another person’s mindset and philosophy.

I believe our responsibility is to speak the truth as we see it, and to state it to others in that context. Never compromise truth as you see and understand it but also listen to the reaction so that you can help the other person. Presupposing that you are interested in helping them to see and understand…. truth.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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