This particular post is a tad frivolous, but one does have a responsibility to frivolity occasionally. The focus of this post is being a fan. Are you one? I am, though I must admit I don’t venture into fan-hood very often. And, I can count on two hands those things that would classify as being fan-hood.
Fan-hood means: sharing the focus of your fan-hood with others, attending, whenever possible, the venue that the focus is involved with, discovering more about the focus but definitely NOT obsessing. Obsessing goes over the edge and one really shouldn’t do that because life is more than simply being a fan.
My fan-hood’s are: Celtic Woman, Dame Judi Dench, golf, Meryl Streep, mysteries (books), England, especially London, and PBS. I can see that you might wonder at the non live ones but they probably have more history.
I’ve always been a huge fan of mystery books, especially Victorian or Edwardian, and consume them by the bucket load. Then again, I’ve always enjoyed puzzles and this is fun for me. And, if spending one’s time is an indication of fan-hood status then this ranks about second.
Golf. A dream. I love golf but haven’t done so in years. Now that I have the time I hope to move this activity into the active fan-hood status. PBS. Not carte’ blanche’ because I don’t spend all my time glued to the TV. But, I find that if I am watching then it more often than not is PBS (or NCIS).
Of the people mentioned, Dame Judi Dench has to be one of my favorite actors (I guess we don’t use ‘actresses’ any more). She has a remarkable ability to immerse herself in whatever role she is playing. And, I’ve never seen her play the same person twice. Meryl Streep has the same quality.
But it is Celtic Woman that holds the highest spot in my fan-hood. This is a group that is so enjoyable to listen to or watch that I would recommend it to everyone regardless of age or music affiliation. They are a joy to hear, especially when they blend their voices. Grand.
I realize that I have not listed any men in this fan-hood, but there are quite a few – mostly actors and a couple of intellects. However, they are primarily in the pre fan-hood classification.