I use to do a great deal of studying on end times according to scripture. And I was always somewhat puzzled by the lack of specificity related to the United States. Here we have a country based on a solid foundation – a Christian country. A country of creative and enterprising individuals who are constantly trying to develop a ‘better mouse trap’, to better life. Yet… the U.S. is not involved as a major influence in the end of days and I was curious – why?
But I think I have a glimmer of an answer – we have denied our heritage and have become only a shadow of what we were and what we could be. We have been building our own coffin while still alive. Our ‘end’ is coming earlier than the final days though it began only a short time ago, as far as time is concerned.
The time line seems to have started back with Roe v. Wade. What a significant court decision! What did the church do????? Do you remember the church doing or saying anything? This, to me, was the first nail. I’m sure there were signs prior to this but this has to be one of the first really significant and visible nails.
The next nail came rather quickly when Madalyn O’Hair won her court case and prayer was banned from the opening school exercises. Again I don’t remember much of a reaction by the church. There were sundry other foundational ruptures – example: the increasing violent and explicit behaviors allowed in movies and television. The young were under attack with little protection.
This week we had another nail provided by the court case that determined that a National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional. This will be the last year for the National Day. Have you heard much from the church regarding this? Probably not.
But what I find totally fascinating is that these three major nails were all COURT cases! It wasn’t Congress, the legislative body, that made the decision. It was the judicial, interpreting law, that has led the downward spiral. Granted this is only one person’s opinion…. I wonder how long this right will last before the court takes the right to speak away as well?