Are you a ‘most people’? Do you ‘go along to get along’? Do you ‘run with the pack’? Or… do you follow a ‘different drummer’? I think I’ve used enough trite phrases to ask my question. But the question remains…. how do you see yourself? How do you act?
A ‘most people’ approach to life is basically the safe and easy way. A, to use another quaint phrase, ‘don’t rock the boat’ lifestyle. There is little demand on you intellectually or spiritually – all you need do is to discover what the prevailing view is and parrot it. However, this is usually accompanied with a ‘look over your shoulder’ view so that you are ‘politically correct’ and still able to change if/when necessary to continue to be part of the crowd. But change is based on what everyone else believes.
The other approach to life requires a responsibility lifestyle – being responsible to and for your beliefs regardless of others’ agreement. Following the different drummer will demand courage of conviction, standing on what you believe is right, an uncompromising mental attitude toward discovery among other attributes. It isn’t necessarily a loner lifestyle but it often is. Also, this doesn’t mean that you are always right – many times you aren’t, but the reasons for your stance are well thought out. Yet, it is not a defiant stand because in the face of incontrovertible evidence, you can and do change.
Are you the kind of person that attempts to hide in a crowd? Or do you stand apart based on your convictions? Are you a …. most people….