What’s your attitude, Cosmic Reader, about the word ‘adventure’? Do you seek it? Do you run from it, concerned that it will shatter, or at least question, your status quo? Do you embrace it as if it was a long lost friend? Do you share it with others or hold it closely to yourself? Or do you tolerate it as something to be endured? Personally, I’ve always thrived on adventures – for me they’ve been great fun and I’ve always learned something about myself, about life, about other people once I can review what happened.
Our attitudes about ‘change’ and our attitudes about ‘adventures’ are closely related. The mindset that we approach either is about the same. And when I say ‘adventure’ I’m not talking about walking into places that even angels fear to tread. That is never the point. Adventures should never be viewed as adventure for adventure sake – at least that’s my mindset. OK, maybe a little adventure for adventure sake, but that thinking should never direct what you do and how you approach the adventure.
If you approach an adventure with fear, then it will cripple you to see the vast array of options available to you in the situation. If you approach it willy nilly you will undoubtedly also miss the options. I’m not suggesting that you let an adventure merely wash over you – that can lead to disaster. But I do suggest that you approach it as an opportunity for an ‘object lesson’, something new to be learned.
I can honestly say that I’ve never been disappointed by an adventure. Occasionally I’ve been disappointed in myself in terms of how I’ve reacted to it. Adventures don’t come when they are convenient to us – they come …. sometimes when you least expect it.