Are you politically correct Cosmic Reader? I’m not. That’s not said with shaking fist raised in rebellion… it’s said as a matter of fact. I suspect that my bottom line is that I would never allow anyone else to dictate my thinking (a definite absolute). I have been called stubborn but I think it’s more that I like to determine, for myself, what I believe…. and why. And the ‘why’ is as important as the ‘what’.
I believe strongly that all voices should be heard. But drowning out another’s voice does not make one’s position the ‘correct’ one. Volume should never be the overwhelming determinant. Partly it’s because I’m one of those… “come, let us reason together…” and this means that all voices are given an equal opportunity to present their stand.
It seems that being politically correct means accepting the new/current status quo – but I’m never quite sure who is the source for this. If I can’t trust the source, how can I trust the statement? How can I based my stand on what someone tells me is the majority view? Besides, the majority is not always right.
As long as you don’t yell, I will almost always consider what’s being said. Since truth can always stand up to scrutiny, it is never threatened. I believe that the more you meet what is said with the need to defend your position, the less likely you are convinced of what you say you believe.