Contrary to some people’s opinion, being a tad old fashion is not necessarily a negative. Are you old fashion? In some things, I am. Do you even know what old fashion is? For that matter, were you even taught or did you observe what today would be called ‘old fashion’?
So what, exactly, is old fashion? Definition time again: old fashion is acting on/practicing, in some fashion, something that you were taught or you observed from another time period. Another way of looking at it is – yesterday’s modus operandi is today’s old fashion. Examples: putting flowers on graves for Memorial Day, men opening doors for women, if it wasn’t construed as ‘sexist’ or chauvinistic, is old fashion. Children being taught to respect their elders and women who enjoy doing the ‘homemaker’ tasks are other examples.
It’s true that old fashion can be considered staid or inhibitive but it can also be a good way of doing things. And none of us would want to be considered old fashioned, or worst – anachronistic, such a negative description! We tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater and don’t retain some of the positive methods from another era, thus we have to rediscover them. Then they become the new norm.
Just remember…. the way you do things, the way you look at things today has a very high probability of becoming tomorrow’s…. old fashion. However, if you wait long enough you just might see them again.