It’s all about Attitude

I’ve written about attitude before and probably will again because, quite honestly, attitude does make ALL the difference. Quite surprisingly you can accomplish many things you didn’t think possible with a logical, positive attitude. Duly note the qualifier. And yes, there are some things you can never accomplish regardless of your attitude. To repeat… duly note the qualifier.

For me, I’ve discovered that even when I haven’t experienced a ‘success’ that if I started with a positive attitude the less than success isn’t devastating. If I go into an endeavor with a negative attitude, then it’s almost like a self fulfilling prophecy – no success. My heart wasn’t in it in the first place so I saw no intervening ‘adjustments’/refinements that could have turned it to a success.

I also realize that how one defines/measures ‘success’ plays a role. How many failures did Edison experience before he was able to successfully invent the light bulb? 1000? The point was that he believed in the possibility and was willing to endure until he succeeded. ‘Endure’ is also another one of those words that impacts on attitude.

There are a number of qualifiers on ‘attitude’ that one needs to take into account, among them: logic, endure, believe. All help determine and define attitude. But the bottom line is you – what are you willing to do to maintain a positive attitude?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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