Humble, like ‘Patient’, is not a behavior that slips easily into my repertoire. I know I’m not patient and I really don’t see any humble behavior emanating from me either. One could easily make a case for arrogant, and there are those who have. Maybe…. but I tend to think of it not as arrogant but as aware of who I am and what I think.
I remember once being accused, and yes that is the proper word, of not being transparent. This was at a time when transparency was all the rage. I completely disagreed but contrary to typical behavior, didn’t say anything. Quite honestly I don’t know if the other person specially defined transparent, didn’t see, didn’t want to see, couldn’t see, but they definitely didn’t perceive.
I’m the type that tries not to provide feedback unless it is solicited. However, if you don’t want my opinion – don’t ask because, right or wrong, I will tell you what I think/believe. For some, that’s not being transparent. Not certain why but it isn’t. The reason I don’t tend to provide feedback unless asked is that I really don’t like to waste my energy. If you aren’t willing to hear what I say then I see no point in providing it.
It’s not that I consider myself always right – far from it. I just know what I know. At the same time I’m not threatened by an opposing view. You might just persuade me to rethink what I know, or refine it. So ‘arrogant’ isn’t really appropriate………. then again, neither is ‘humble’.