
So, Cosmic Reader, what’s your opinion about adventures? Do you like them? Not like them? Plan them? Let them occur naturally? Welcome them? Avoid them at all costs? I believe that adventures are always just around the corner…. waiting to spring. Love that. Not sure if it’s the waiting or springing that always brings a smile.

Obviously I am a bonafide aficionado of adventures. I’ve always found them to be great fun…. if not a tad painful at times. One does need to remember that not every adventure is pure fun, sometimes they can be ‘difficult’. However, every, as in EVERY, adventure provides opportunities to learn something new – about yourself, about others, about life. Then again, I take a position that every day there are opportunities galore to learn – life is a learning lab.

For me, adventures introduce me to something I didn’t know before, or reminds me of a previous learning that I had temporarily merely filed away. Adventures can be solo or can be with others… I suspect it’s one’s attitude about ‘adventure’ that determines its impact. Do remember that ‘control’ whether solo or in a group really doesn’t exist. You either enter into the adventure or you don’t.

Another facet of adventures is that it is related to anything and everything. A quiet walk in the woods can turn into an adventure almost immediately. Then again, a walk on city streets can have the same affect. That’s why adventures can be planned or spontaneous – both have the same result……….. something new, something different – even when the experience is apparently mundane.

I would invite you into the exciting world of adventure. Whether the adventure is quiet, noisy, peaceful, energetic, with others, alone, full of wonder, full of remembering – the life of an adventurer is truly bursting with discovery. And, presupposing you can laugh at yourself, quite a lot of chuckles.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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