Have you ever thought about the fact that the ONLY way one can judge whether you are a Christian is by your behavior? Sure, you can say you are a Christian but how does anyone know except by your actions? For that matter…. how do you know if you are?
We have more than a sufficient supply of ‘spoken Christians’ in the world, but unfortunately we have few action based ones. The book of James talks about this and the need to ‘prove’ your faith by your actions. We all do. It’s far too easy to be a ‘convenient’ Christian. This is a person who talks the talk and may even walk the walk but only in front of their church and, sometimes, family. In the world they would… rather not talk about it.
I titled this… Christianity is not a spectator sport. (That phrase is not my own, but it says it all.) Christianity starts as a choice – you choose. But once the choice is made, you can’t just sit back and do nothing. In Ephesians Paul says that we are God’s workmanship, “…created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (NKJV). It’s not that works get us what we need (salvation) but they do emanate from a changed life.
If you were to look at your life and behavior, could you be accused of being a Christian? If not then maybe now is a time for reassessment. We all have a call on our life and it’s our responsibility to find it and fulfill it – and it’s not hiding. Then it’s simply a matter of walking in it. Remember – I never said it was easy, didn’t use that word. But it really is quite simple.