We live in a world that is full of compromisers and relativists and fence straddlers. And, one of the current, rather painful, straddle is Christian and politically correct. Quite honestly, not possible. Why attempt to marry two diametrically different approaches to life?
The ‘don’t rock the boat’ or ‘trying to please’ mentality attempts to do both but it is really a lost cause. Part of the dilemma rests in what each proposed to do/be in life. Politically correct really defines ‘shifting sand’. There are moments that we find that a word has been redefined or at least modified so that what wasn’t incorrect earlier suddenly is. The one with the loudest voice tends to have the greatest determination. Plus we discover that behaviors that were totally unacceptable a few years ago and now the modus operandi. No explanation for the shift, but it has occurred.
On the other hand, Christian, hasn’t changed. What was foundational 2000 years ago is still foundational. ‘Correct’ behavior is still according to a standard that is easy to discover, though sometimes difficult to follow due to our own discomfort at taking a stand. Christians have a ‘hand book’ to follow that is unshifting.
More and more there is a conflict in definitions, in behavior, in standards between Christian and politically correct. My belief is that it’s going to intensify – the minority has the advantage and Christians are so concerned about being ‘tolerant’ that they, too often, compromise. The ‘convenient’ Christian has empowered the minority to make the standard for all.
Eventually everyone will have to take a stand and it will be either/or. Either you are an uncompromising politically correct or you are an uncompromising Christian. You will need to choose.