What’s the dearest thing to you Cosmic Reader? Your life? Your family? Your friends? Your money/possessions? And what are you willing to give up to retain it? Your job? Your family? Your goals? Your friends? Your integrity? Your life?
This is not some isolated, sophomoric question – it is extremely important. You really need to know what is of supreme importance for you and what price you would be willing to pay. If you don’t know then you could find yourself facing precisely that issue – you could be blindsided and not know your response. Perhaps I’ve not listed those ‘things’ that are important to you or the price you are willing to pay – simply put in your choices.
In some respects this post could have a subtitle of: How precious is your life? It would seem that after everything is stripped away, what you are left standing with is your life. But what is even
more precious to you than your life? What would you be willing to sacrifice your life for in order that the ‘item’ most precious isn’t denied/betrayed?
Obviously only you have the answer to that question. For God it was His Son He was willing to sacrifice in order that you would be saved, because you were so precious to Him that He wasn’t willing to have you without hope. Your response to this invitation, to accept Jesus as Lord, makes all the difference. The only catch is… for you to have life, you have to be willing to lose your life.