When I was in college, a few centuries ago, this phrase was one of the prevailing suggestions of the day. At that time, I really didn’t agree with the thought because if anyone was going to plant me, it was me. I always wondered who the implied person was that was doing the planting and how ‘bloom’ was being defined – by me or by this unknown entity. And, I reasoned, did I want to stay put regardless of the planter!?
I still believe that you need to know who it is that’s doing the planting. Parents? You? Friends? Family? Your job/profession? ??? God…. Obviously the ‘who’ of the planter is of paramount importance. Because there is the implied agreement with the planting by you, the plantee. For a plant to take root there has to be some form of agreement, acceptance that where the plant is will be where the plant will be productive and subsequently will be harvested. See… this is no light decision.
There’s a scripture that I’ve always liked that talks about a good plant bringing forth good fruit and a bad plant bringing forth thorns and bramble fit only for the fire. So the subsequent fruit is the next important consideration. And a big component in this is you, your attitude – are you being fruitful? The reality is that you will produce fruit – the only question is the quality of the fruit: good or unfit. What kind of harvest are you creating?
So, Cosmic Reader, you can see that there is a great deal to be considered in the planting and blooming. And what if you find yourself, “… a lonely little petunia in an onion patch…”? OK, maybe I’m reaching but the point is worth considering.
Now… having said all that there is a caveat. For the Christian the planter is God so you can be comforted that you are in the best possible place for you to bloom. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will always stay in that place, but it does assure you that you have the promise and potential of fruitfulness as long as you stay in His hand.