This, …, is a fill in the blank. And it really is all of the following: time, resources, money, energy… life. When you stop for a moment and really consider how you spend each of the following you’ll find a theme, a focus that really identifies and defines you. (And yes, I know I’ve spoken about this previously but it keeps reoccurring.)
Anyone can say that they are … but is there evidence to support the claim? When you look at how you spend your time and your money, etc. does it confirm that whatever your … is, can it be substantiated? Your … is your words of who you are: family person, Christian, sports player, workaholic, etc. How you actually spend your time, resources, etc. will tell you exactly how much you are who and what you say your are.
Too often we see ‘invest’ as only the monetary component. But how we spend our time, our energy speak volumes as well – and it is an investment. And many times this investment is more indicative of who we really are. Example: if you say you are a family person but never spend any time with your family because ‘other commitments’ require your time and energy – are you really a family person? It does beg the question. Bottom line is that we always have, or take, time for the things that are really important to/for us.
So… what motivates you? What is important to you? What do you invest in? Those answers give you invaluable information. Because… if they aren’t what/who you say you are then which are you going to change? Your words? Or…. your behavior?