Seriously – have you ever thought about the fact that since you are alive right now that this is your time? You are uniquely placed right now, right here. It isn’t an accident that you were born for this time and you do have a mission to fulfill… if you choose to accept it.
I must admit I always liked that line from “Mission Impossible” because in the final analysis it always is up to us to accept or decline the mission. We may be brought to this time, this place but ultimately it is our decision to accept, or not. And the mission never hides, it is always front and center. A mission is not ‘cute’ in that it teases us to find it. A mission is born in the heart and soul of a person.
A mission is a God-given assignment. It may last for a short time or it may be a lifetime. But you always know the life of a mission because a new one is always birthed in your heart and mind as the current mission is ending. Being human we often tend to hold on to a mission even after its time is finished because it does give us meaning and identity. And everyone searches for meaning.
A mission is always exciting, always fulfilling and it is always, if it truly is a mission from God, fruitful. That is the key to knowing if the mission is one we’d made or one that God assigned – is it fruitful. In every mission we may not know the end from the beginning but we are always equipped – that’s another key. God will always stretch us to our full potential but He will never leave us unprepared. Notice that I didn’t use the word – easy. A mission may be or become difficult, but it never is impossible. And that too is a key.
So, if you aren’t in a mission at this moment then take the time to stay prepared: pray, read the word, show yourself a workman prepared for every good work. The mission will always show itself… when it is your time.