I was thinking about those 2 phrases – really the same thing? Maybe….. maybe not. Sorry to get sophomoric but it does depend on how you define the words. And, yes, it is important to know the difference.
My definitions are: ‘believing’ has an element of hope attached to it. I do believe in/for whatever but I also hope. ‘Trusting’ has a larger dose of confidence – I know that what I’m trusting in/for will come about though I don’t know the timeline or method. Obviously ‘trust’ is stronger according to my definitions.
Why the emphasis on two extremely similar concepts? Because I believe it is critical to know your own level of commitment, your own level of knowing related to … whatever it is. Example: I may believe for someone’s conversion but if I trust that it will happen then I will partner with the current ‘conditions’ to enhance the opportunity.
Perhaps simplistic but believe is more passive while trust is more active. And ‘no’ I don’t believe prayer is passive. Quite the contrary. Prayer is typically the mode of expression for both but ‘believing’ prayer is more passionate because it is based in hope. And ‘trusting’ prayer is more factual since it sees the end from the beginning.
So… believing for? …. trusting in? Both are important. We need to know which we are doing so we pray accordingly.