Do you know yours? You may not know what/where it is but you certainly know when you’re not in it. There should be a caveat in this – moving out of your comfort zone shouldn’t be willy nilly. Not sure what the point in that would be. Personally, I think that taking chances for the sake of taking chances is stupid. I would also contend that no one can force you out of your c-z, but circumstances can. Thus, the only ‘reasoned’ movement is when you choose to move from comfort to the unknown.
The advantage to movement? Multiple: it tests your ability to adjust/adapt to change. It gives you a whole new set of opportunities/options in which to respond to the change. If you are choosing it then you may have the ability to determine the time, place, and method. The point in all this is growth – in increased understanding of who you are, and your ability to make reasoned choices, rather than forced choices.
The difficulty arises when movement is thrust upon you. This typically happens when you least expect it or are the most unprepared for change. However, to expect the status quo to continue indefinitely is really not very logical. Change is always the order of life, how/what is yours to determine…. never if.