It seems that every generation, in some fashion, idolizes the young. Perhaps it’s a memory of one’s own youth and lost youth that stimulates this. The young are glamorized for their innocence, their passion, their willingness to ‘think outside the box’, their daring, their zest for life. And they are amusingly admonished for their belief that they are indestructible. I know that when I was young I never thought I was invincible… actually, I never thought about it period.
And yes, there are those who denigrate the young. Those who, simply because the other person is young, ignore or ridicule what the young say and do. They point out the errors, mistakes, stupidity that can and do occur with youth. And they are wrong, just like those who idolize the young are wrong.
It appears we have a love/hate relationship with age. On the one hand we don’t think the young have something to offer because they are young and on the other hand we don’t think that someone older has enough of a ‘current’ grasp. We shouldn’t castigate anyone because of their age, or lack. Simply because one is older doesn’t automatically make them wise. And, simply because one is older doesn’t automatically make any thoughts or ideas offered as ‘old fashion’ or irrelevant.
The young are… young. They’ve yet to taste and feel all that life has to offer with all the attendant joys and sorrows. And that’s perfectly all right. One learns as one experiences and understand. And all that takes time.
Age is like a good wine. It can taste quite good even when it is not yet fully developed. And, as it matures it can be come an excellent vintage. The opposite is also true – it can start out bad and never develop. Truth is… it depends on the grape.