Today is July 4th, the birth of our nation – the day we declared our freedom from outside control. That auspicious beginning declared that we were a people who stated our reliance on and belief in God. We gratefully acknowledged that America was a Christian nation.
Since that beginning we have strayed from our roots, from our heritage. If Washington, Adams, Paine, Franklin and their fellow patriots were alive today I wonder what their reaction would be to what we have become? How would they react to our current ‘political correctness’ that tolerates all sorts of negative reaction to our country, our flag, our religious freedom? Would they laud the attack on our Christian heritage? Somehow I don’t think they would honor that all beliefs were acknowledged and given voice except Christian beliefs and expressions.
We can point to many reasons for the erosion from our heritage but the saddest is that too often the those with voices chose to keep quiet. Tolerance for other views seems to have been the rationale for no other voice. But how can a person make a reasoned decision if all voices aren’t heard?
Can we, do we want to return to our roots? What will it take to turn our current bondage into freedom again? How can we fulfill the reason our country was established? Repentance is the only way – to repent of the way we act, to repent of the direction we are going. Repent simply means a turning away and a turning toward. May we once again turn to God to heal our land and return to our roots.