I suspect this is what we all want – to be, to have a life worth living. Critically important to this is to realize that you are the only one that can define what A Life Worth Living means for you. What are the components that comprise your LWL? And who developed them? Did they come from expectations from others or from your determination?
A LWL can have many components and the importance of these components can change over time. What may have been critical in college, such as determining your major/how you were going to spend your life, can take on less importance in later years. Because it is the qualities that define a LWL that emerge as the strongest determinant.
A good mental exercise is to sit in some quiet spot and take a good ‘look’ at your life. Does it match your goals and ambitions? To some degree, I would imagine. But it is the intangible qualities that emerge as the critical considerations. Again, each of us may define this differently. Example: for one, the quality of an adventurous life is the strongest determinant. For another, the simpler pleasure of a happy family is the main consideration.
There is no right or wrong answer to this – only your answer. And it is never too late to have a LWL – perhaps delayed or detoured as you’ve gone along, but it is never too late. If you are not pleased – then change. And change can always occur, even in confined spaces. Perhaps the change is in the definition of the quality or its location in the list.
If you are pleased…. then you are blessed indeed.