We all have at least one Achilles Heel… do you know yours? It is vitally important that you know what ‘trips you up’, otherwise, you get blindsided constantly. And… it doesn’t need to be a ‘bad’ in and of itself but when it is taken to extremes it becomes a liability. Example: eating. Eating, in and of itself isn’t bad but when it’s taken to overeating this adds weight which is bad for your health which… you see the progression.
The thing about Achilles Heels is that they typically always go to extremes. What may start as a temptation can escalate into an obsession very quickly. This happens because we substitute this for dealing with the real issue. Avoiding really never accomplishes anything, actually the passage of time can make the situation even worse.
AH’s will become worse when not dealt with. The stronghold that can develop can also make us blind to what our substitute is doing to others as well as to ourselves. And I’m not suggesting that dealing with what causes us to substitute an AH is simple – obviously that’s why we avoid dealing with it.
Reality says that when we don’t resolve the conflict then we allow it to impact other areas of our lives and it becomes even stronger. The underlying problem that causes AH’s will cripple you until you do resolve it. The ‘how’ of dealing with it varies with what it is protecting, how long it’s been in effect, and what you’re willing to do to overcome it.
The caveat in all this is that I have a suspicion that if you do conquer your Achilles Heel that another one will pop up to take its place. The good thing is… you have at least one that you’ve overcome and it won’t trip you up in the future.