Do you know what your Christian growth factor is? For that matter, did you know that you have a growth factor? AND… you do know that when you were saved that was only the beginning? You really are expected to grow.
I’ve always been amazed at the mentality that seems to think that the moment you are saved you also have all understanding required to be an effective Christian. It doesn’t work that way. As way of example… when you were a child you went to school and you learned to read and write and do arithmetic plus a whole host of other subjects. And from saying your a-b-c’s in grade school, by the time you graduated high school you could read and do far more with your reading than simply knowing a-b-c. You went to school 9 months of the year to learn and grow in understanding.
The same thing is true of being a Christian. You grow. Instead of a school you have other ways to become a grown up person. You have church worship services in which you learn more about who and what a Christian is. You have a manual, the Bible, to assist you in understanding. But the Bible is a book that you don’t read just once, you read it countless times and discover than in each reading you grow more in your understanding. And just like school, you have activities to also help you grow, like prayer – individual and corporate.
There really isn’t anything that is truly instant – even instant food items take time. So does becoming an effective Christian. You aren’t suppose to simply stop once you are saved. Being saved starts you on an extraordinary adventure. You have a responsibility to grow. So… what’s your growth factor?