“Amazing Grace” is a favorite song that talks about how we were, WERE, a wretch but now, NOW… and that’s the point. We may have been one but the moment we accept Jesus as Lord, we no longer are wretches. We can no longer look at ourselves as wretches.
When I was first saved I thought the first logical step was to read the Bible since that would really tell me all I needed to know. True, but of course one reading is never enough because you are continually growing in who you are now. One scripture that leapt out at me was Romans 8:1 – which tells us that there is no longer any condemnation in us. What a tremendous gift given us and what a tremendous revelation once you see this and the ramifications that come from it.
If there is no longer any condemnation, what and who are we? Next I discovered 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. A new creation! That’s what we become in Christ. (I briefly talked about this on May 29th.) But we’ve also been given an assignment – we are His ambassadors! This is a considerable distance from our old state of ‘wretch’.
Actually, we no longer have the luxury of being a wretch – a status we are familiar with. Being designated as an ambassador requires us to grow up, to learn what being a member of the household of God is all about, to act as new creations – and this is only a beginning. Once we accept that Jesus is our Lord then we begin a fantastic adventure.