Do you have one? Do you try to have one? Is a devotional life important to you? The last question is the critical consideration because this is the foundation on which a devotional life stands… or falls. One could also make an argument that your spiritual life stands or falls on your devotional life.
What is a devotional life? It’s the time you set aside for just you and the Lord – no one else, just you and Him. It can involve prayer, worship, reading scripture, study – actually all the above. It’s time to listen for how the Lord is leading you, because He will speak if you will listen. You become refreshed in His presence as you focus on Who He is and not just What He does. A devotional life is critical for all Christians, not just the ‘professional’ (ministers, missionaries, etc.) Christian.
The Word tells us that God is no respecter of persons thus His word is important for all to know and understand in order to live a life worth living. And if it was important for Jesus to take the time then how much more important is it for us? Jesus did this? Absolutely! Check the scripture – Jesus was often taking time away to be with the Father.
A devotional life is a period of time that you have to jealously guard from ALL intruders, good and bad. And there will be intrusions against you taking that time. Distractions will abound. And if we are to be equipped and enabled then we need to take the time with the source – God. The ‘length’ of this time is not as important as the ‘quality’ in the time. Your devotional time is your most important time in the day.