Quality of days…

So… when do you stop ‘saving’ for a rainy day? Do you know how much (money, time, people, etc.) you need to ‘fund’ your rainy day? How do you know you have enough for your rainy day? How much is enough? All legitimate questions but often without definition. And they all speak to the issue of quantity and quality of days. Which is the most important and don’t just blithely say, ‘quality’.

In this question/determination, age is not the issue. Whether you are 20 or 70, age simply is not the relevant issue. However, mindset is. And, most important, you don’t need to wait till retirement to begin acting on your quality issue. The old… if you don’t know where you are and you haven’t defined where you’re going, how do you know when you’re ‘there’… applies as well. The first question is one of definition – how do you define quality? What is quality for you?

There was a delightful movie, “Bucket List”, which addresses this issue. Do you have one? Are there certain activities you want to be part of/attend/etc.? Those things that you put off ’till later’ – places you want to see/visit, people you want to be with, things you want to do or need to do – when is ‘later’? If you were to die tomorrow will you have done those things, seen those places, been with those people that define your quality issue? And if you aren’t – why?

Everyone needs to put quality into their life and not wait. Quality doesn’t need to cost a lot of money though some of the activities may and need to wait. But if you put off quality to wait on finances, you’ll never get to quality.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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