Have you/are you on a quest for something/someone that is more important to you than… even life itself? Is there anything that motivates you to spend all your time, money, efforts to finding the object of your quest? What’s your pearl of great price? And once you find it???????
Most of us don’t have that level of passion that we’ll do anything we can to attain our goal, accomplish our quest. We’ll typically go a long way toward the accomplishment but typically will stop short of attainment. Why? It’s too arduous to continue or we’ve given up ‘hope’ of ever finding it or we’re beginning to think ‘it’ never existed in the first place. And then there’s the old – it costs too much to continue or we’re too lazy or ‘responsibilities’ require a change a change.
Scripture tells us to, “… not be weary in well doing for we shall reap if we faint not”. Translated this means that the pearl is attainable. God never teases us – He would never tell us to persevere if He thought we couldn’t accomplish the task. More often than not this speaks to our level of commitment and the value we place on the pearl.
So.. is the pearl of great value? That’s the question you have to ask yourself. If it is your job or promotion or ‘things’ I suspect it isn’t. It’s the eternal things that are of great value. Those are worthy of dedication, of commitment. But… will you do all to attain it? That too is a question only you can answer.